Many people struggle to find housing that fits within their budget. We are committed to helping change that. We are advocates for safe, affordable housing options in South Columbus. Our initiatives focus on helping people find a place to call “Home.”
What is affordable housing?
To be considered “affordable” your housing expense should not exceed 30 percent of your monthly income.
Is my housing affordable?
Use the calculator below to determine how much of your current income goes toward housing.

If you are struggling to pay your rent, there are resources available to help.

IMPACT Community Action
711 Southwood Avenue
Columbus, OH 43207
Regular Office Hours are M-F, 8:00am -5:00 pm.

If you missed a rent payment, or worried that you might, learn what you can do now. Rentful614 is here to help you sort out what to do next.
Fair Housing Rights and Responsibilities
You have legal rights and responsibilities as a tenant when you sign a lease. Our workshops explore your responsibilities as a resident in the community as well as your tenant rights against discrimination and landlord intimidation. Click here to learn more.

First Time Home Buyer Workshops
Explore the steps to buying a home for the first time. Learn how to build financial stability and generational wealth for your family. Click here to learn more.
If you are interested in showcasing your rental property, click here.