Executive Function Skills Activity

Your Executive Skills Profile

We’re all good at some executive function skills, and not so good at others.  The activity below will help you get to know yourself better by looking at how well you:

  • Plan and prioritize;
  • Control your actions, emotions and behavior to get things done; and
  • Monitor your progress to see if you are on track

Step 1 of 6

  • Instructions

    Read each statement below and then think about how well it describes you.  Use the rating scale to choose the best score. If the item doesn't describe you at all, record 1, strongly disagree.  If it describes you very well, record 6, strongly agreeBe as honest as possible--the more honest you are, the more you'll learn about yourself.

    When you have responded to all statements on the page, click "Next" to continue. Be sure to click "Submit" after the last statement to generate your Executive Skills Profile summary. Enter the 3 highest and 3 lowest scores from the summary into your assignment answer to complete the activity.
  • Strongly disagreeDisagreeTend to disagreeTend to agreeAgreeStrongly agree
    I have a clear plan for what I need to do each day.
    I focus on the most important things when I have a lot to do.
    I break big tasks down into smaller tasks and set deadlines to get them done.
    Planning Prioritization
  • Strongly disagreeDisagreeTend to disagreeTend to agreeAgreeStrongly agree
    I finish what I plan to do by the end of the day.
    I am good at guessing how long it takes to do something.
    I am on time for appointments and activities.
    Time Management