
This online course is designed to give you new tools to bridge the gap between your dreams and your success. Our goal is to help you improve your financial stability over time and to achieve more of your goals in the future. We're here to help you navigate the program at your own pace. You can access it anytime via any mobile device or computer with internet access. Let's get started with a brief introduction and tips to navigate the program.

Understanding Your Brain?

Brain science has identified the way you interpret information and the triggers that affect your emotions, relationships, reactions, and decisions. This topic will take a closer look at your brain and how it connects you to the world outside.

Executive Function Skills?

Understanding your planning, self-control, and monitoring skills can help you achieve bigger goals. This topic explores the 12 executive functions that you use every day to get things done.

Bridge to Self-Sufficiency®?

The Bridge to Self-Sufficiency® is science-based tool proven to improve your problem-solving and goal-achievement skills.

Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals?

This topic explores how to create goals that offer the best chance for success.

Staying on Track?

Mobility mentoring provides a way to look at how things in your life are changing over time. Your coach will support your progress on the Bridge to Self-Sufficiency by helping you recognize and celebrate the goals you set and reach.
Tips & Hints to Navigate This Course


Before you begin, read through these instructions, tips and hints to help you navigate the course. 


  • Take note of the red text in lessons, assignments, and quizzes.  It denotes important information and instructions throughout the course.
  • Look for the green button to start a course.  You can also click it to continue your progress in a course. 
  • If you want to get back to your dashboard, click “Go to Course Home“.  From there you can click “MY ACCOUNT” in the upper right corner of the page. 
  • Click “Previous” to go back to the previous lesson.  Click “Next” to move on to the next lesson.  

Roadmap to Success


  • Now that you have enrolled in the course, you can begin.  Click “CONTINUE TO LESSONbutton to access the list of lessons included in this course.  You’ll find them on the left hand side.  
  • Read the content of each lesson carefully.  Some lessons also include a short video that further explains the topic.  Watch videos completely.
  • Take notes to help you recall what you read and observe in the videos.  
  • Each lesson is presented in a sequence.  You cannot skip ahead, however you can go back to review previous lessons. 
  • To unlock the next lesson, you must click “Complete Lesson” button in the upper right hand corner.  We recommend reviewing each lesson several times before clicking “Complete Lesson” button at the top to continue.


  • Once you begin a quiz, you cannot go back.  If you click on “Previous” or hit the “Back” button in your browser while taking a quiz, you will exit the quiz and your responses will be scored based on the progress you made. 


  • Review your answers before you submit the assignment.  You cannot edit your responses once submitted. 
  • After you complete an activity, your instructor will be notified.  They will follow up with feedback and a grade. The feedback and your original responses will be visible below the activity.  


If you have a question or need help, click on “Browse Q & A” tab on the left and submit your question.  You can also browse other questions and answers previously posted.